Whitney Beck, Ph.D. (GDPE) 2019. (Supported by I-WATER and GTA)

Holly Lafferty, M.S. (GDPE) 2018. (supported by GTA, and Reed Fellowship)

Scott G. Morton, M.S. (Biology) 2017. Aquatic insect responses to predation and temperature: variation in context dependent trophic interactions. (supported by NSF-RAPID and GTA)

David Martin, Ph.D. (GDPE) 2015. Socio-environmental tradeoff analysis using decision science tools to guide river restoration and water allocation. (supported by I-WATER IGERT)

Matthew I. Pyne, Ph.D. (GDPE), 2014. The distribution of lotic insect traits in relation to reference conditions and projected climate change in the Western United States. (supported by GTA, PRIMES-IGERT, and Reed Fellowship)

Rachel Harrington, M.S. (GDPE), 2014. Patterns and mechanisms of beta-diversity in small streams along elevation gradients in the southern Rocky Mountains. (Supported by GTA and NSF-EVOTRAC, and Reed Fellowship)

Daniel Auerbach, Ph.D. (GDPE), 2013. “Models of Tamarix and riparian vegetation response to hydrogeomorphic variation, dam management and climate change” (supported by USEPA Star Fellowship and GTA)

Thomas Wilding, Ph.D. (Biology), 2012. “Regional methods for evaluating the effects of flow alteration on stream ecosystems” (supported by GTA and various research funds through The Nature Conservancy)

Julia McCarthy, M.S. (GDPE), 2008. “Ecological recovery below diversion dams: assessment with a risk-based GIS model” (supported by US Forest Service grant and Teaching Assistantship)

Angie Moline, Ph.D. (GDPE), 2007. “A survey of Colorado Plateau stream insect communities: the roles of riparian leaf litter and hydrologic variation on species growth and community structure“ (supported by NSF GK-12 program award of $65,000 through NREL)

Debra Finn, Ph.D. 2006 (GDPE). “Dispersal Limitation and the Spatial Organization of Communities and Populations in Alpine Headwater Streams” (supported by USEPA Star Fellowship and Teaching Assistantship) and M.S., 2000 (GDPE). “Factors influencing the structure of benthic invertebrate communities in Colorado Rocky Mountain streams” (supported by NSF Graduate Fellowship)

Aaron Hoffman, Ph.D. 2006 (Biology). “The Importance of Current Velocity, Scale, and Patchiness for Aquatic Invertebrate Movement and Colonization” (co-advised with John Wiens, supported by Teaching Assistantship)

Christine Albano, M.S. 2006 (GDPE). “Structural and Functional Responses of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities to Streamflow Diversion in Rocky Mountain Streams” (supported by USEPA S.T.A.R. grant and Ed Reed Scholarship)

Julian D. Olden, Ph.D. (GDPE), 2004. “Fish fauna homogenization of the United States, life-history correlates of native extinctions and non-native invasions in the American Southwest, and the bi-directional impacts of dams in the American Southeast” (supported by Canadian NSERC Scholarship, EPA grant and NSF grant)

Jeremy B. Monroe, M.S. (GDPE), 2002. “Scales and sources of habitat structure shaping grazer distributions in the upper Colorado River” (supported by Ed Reed Fellowship in Dept. of Biology and NSF grant)