Colorado State University, Department of Biology
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1878
Office: Biology 338
Phone: 970-491-2079/2414 (Office/Lab)
Email: poff@lamar.colostate.edu
Current Positions
Professor of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, July 2007 – present.
Distinguished Professorial Chair of Riverine Ecology & Environmental Flows (partial appointment), Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Australia, July 2016 – present.
Research Focus
My research interests are guided by the broad consideration of how ecological processes and patterns are constrained by habitat structure and environmental variability at multiple scales in aquatic ecosystems. Small-scale research focuses on how spatial habitat heterogeneity influences the strength and outcomes of interactions among insect grazers and how these grazers regulate stream algal production across gradients of current velocity. At larger scales, research focuses on testing general ecological theory predicting how the structure and functional organization of biological communities (invertebrates and fish) depend on habitat stability. We are interested in integrating ecological response across all levels of habitat constraint, from local patches to whole watersheds. This research provides a basis for predicting aquatic community attributes at geographic scales and for ecological responses to land-use alterations and regional climate changes.
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